Hat Angels Donors

Donations are VERY Important to Heavenly Hats

Shelf of hats from donors

We are run on a 100% Volunteer Basis!

It is because of the hundreds of generous businesses and individuals that Heavenly Hats™ can continue on with its mission to help as many cancer patients as possible. Without the generous monetary donations, hat donations, and supply donations this project would not be able to continue.

Listed on this site are some of our major donors, however, there are hundreds more who have made this project such a success.  Thank all of you who have donated and also to anyone who has sent an email or letter with words of support and encouragement.  The letters help to keep me focused on my goal of helping as many people as I possibly can.  THANK YOU!

These quotations are some of the reasons that your donations are so very important!

A Brightened Day

Thank you so much for the hats that our 4 year old received this week.  They came one day that he was in the hospital receiving chemo and they brightened his day!!!  You never realize how much your hair means until you don’t have it and how many people look and stare when you don’t have hair.  A hat is the trick and it keeps his head from getting sunburned!  You are an angel.

Rare Cancer

My daughter has been diagnosed with a rare cancer. It is a small demoplastic round cell tumor.  The cancer is in her brain, breast, lung, liver, spleen, bones, kidneys, ovaries and more.  She is now losing her hair due to the whole brain radiation and will start chemotherapy next week. Her head size is petite and loves the color blue.  I am a single parent and have lost my job so that I can care for her.  Your kindness in being able to send her a hat to wear would be a blessing.

Little Income

I have very little income and the costs of all of the drugs for my cancer has pretty much wiped out all my savings.  Is there any way that you would be able to send me a hat to wear for when I go out in public.

My Little Girl

My pretty little girl has just started chemotherapy and is now losing her hair.  She is having a real hard time with this as she has always had long beautiful hair down to her shoulders.  Would you be able to send her some hats that will make her feel better.

3 Year Old Nephew

My 3 year old nephew has brain cancer and just started to lose his hair.  Would you be able to send some type of hat that would make him smile.  He thinks he has been pulling his hair out and does not understand what is happening to him.

12 Year Old God Daughter

Do you have something that you could send to my 12 year-old God-daughter.  She just started chemotherapy and is losing her hair.

My Grandson

My grandson has just been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and is now undergoing radiation and chemotherapy treatments.  I was just wondering if you would be able to send some type of hat that would be appropriate for a 15 year old active young man.

5 Year Old Niece

Last week my 5 year old niece started chemotherapy and is now losing her beautiful blonde hair.  Is there any way that you would be able to send her some hats to make her smile just a little.

A special thank you to Ace Manufacturing of Green Bay who has been generous enough to donate office and storage space  and to Green Bay Packaging of Green Bay, WI who has also kindly donated Heavenly Hats(TM) warehouse space for our out of season hats and has donated custom boxes to ship the hats.  Thank you both very much without the generosity of these businesses we would not be able to continue on with our mission to help all of the cancer patients in need.

Please note that any hat donations must be BRAND-NEW due to the low immune systems of our recipients.
The Heavenly Hats Foundation™, a Wisconsin non-profit corporation is recognized as an exempt organization under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.