The Heavenly Hats Foundation(TM) is holding its “Hat Parade Event” to benefit medical patients around the globe who lose their hair due to their disease or treatment of a disease. What we would like everyone to do is to organize an event in their community by holding their own “hat parade” in their school, at their place of business, at their church, in a park or just by getting a group of people together to have a luncheon or dinner or maybe a walk around their community. We would ask that everyone who was involved in the parade make a donation to the Heavenly Hats Foundation(TM) and for this donation they would earn the privilege of wearing their favorite hat at their event. Pull out your most outrageous hat that you can find and have a “hat parade.”
Pick a date that works best for your students and staff. The official date for our Fall Hat Parade will be Friday, October 11th, 2024, but any date that works for you to hold your event is just fine with us.
For example, if you held the event in a school the students and faculty who would like to be involved would pay $1.00 (or any amount that they choose) and be allowed to wear their favorite hat to school for the day. Normally wearing hats in school is against the dress code, so this is a great honor for the kids. Maybe even have a time during the day where the students could parade their hats around the entire school or gymnasium. Think of all of the fun hats that could be worn. If you held the event at a business, the employees would each pay $1.00 or whatever amount that they choose and wear their favorite hat to work for the day, you get the idea.
Some Fun Ideas
Participating schools will receive a Thank You letter, Certificate of Achievement and this year we added door hangers to show off your participation.
Please help us to make our “Hat Parade” a huge success and help all of our “Hat Heroes” in need. The cost of shipping our new hats to the patients and hospitals is a huge expense to our organization and your participation in this event would go to help so many patients in need.
If you need any other information or if you would like to be a “group leader” and head up one of these “hat parades just send an email to: and we will get you everything that you need. If you do not receive an email response back from us within 24 hours please call us at 920-362-2668 as we sometimes have problems with emails going into our spam folder.
We would also like you to take photos at your event so that we can post them to the website. I am sure there will be a lot of crazy and fancy hats worn and we should be able to get some great photos of everyone.
The top school from each state who raises the most money at their event will receive a trophy for their efforts.
Remember we would greatly appreciate it if you could drop a note to: or to let us know that you are participating so that we can get an idea of how many will be involved in our event this year. Also, if you would like us to email you some additional information to help you with your event we would be happy to do so. If for some reason you do not get an email response back from us please call us at 920-362-2668 as there are some emails that do end up in our spam folder for some reason and we do not always catch them!!!
All donation checks can be made payable directly to the Heavenly Hats Foundation and sent to: Heavenly Hats-2325 Pamperin Rd. Suite 3-Green Bay, WI 54313. If you would like a receipt a W-9 or copy of our letter of acceptance from the IRS for your donation please send a note along with your check and we will be happy to mail one to you.
Use and type in Heavenly Hats Foundation as your charity of choice every time you do a search on the internet and a donation will be made to our foundation to help patients in need. You can make your home page for your search engine.
These were some of our wonderful schools who participated in our Hat Parade this past school year. Thank you to each and everyone of you who participated and donated to The Heavenly Hats Foundation. I know some of the individual schools are bunched in the school districts that we have listed, but we appreciate each and every one of you. We hope that you can join us again next year for this great event. If we missed your school please, please send us an email so that we can get you added to our list. Thank you.
Please note that any hat donations must be BRAND-NEW due to the low immune systems of our recipients.
The Heavenly Hats Foundation™, a Wisconsin non-profit corporation is recognized as an exempt organization under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.