We are asking hospitals and hospital staff to ask their patients who are in need of new head wear to fill out our “Hat Request Form” on this page. We would rather send the hat package directly to the patient in need so that they can receive exactly what they want rather than sending a box of random hats to the hospital. This process seems to work the best for both the patients and hospitals as most hospitals do not have room for the large box of hats that we normally send and the patient receives the type of hat that they are in need of. Thank you for your help!
Although we know that very few people would take advantage of a foundation who is only trying to help patients in need, we have had some issues of false requests just so that people can receive something for free. We sincerely ask that you please respect the mission of our foundation and only request a ” hat package ” if you or someone close to you is in need of one for medical reasons. The time that is involved in preparing the hat package and the funds that are involved with shipping the packages is phenomenal and in order for Heavenly Hats to continue it’s mission to help those in need we ask for your cooperation on this matter. Thank You!
The Heavenly Hats Foundation™, a Wisconsin non-profit corporation is recognized as an exempt organization under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
Heavenly Hats has had some problems with our “Request A Hat Forms” If you do not receive your requested package in a reasonable amount of time please be sure to let us know so that we can check to be sure that your order was received.